Jane Honeycutt and her family
After wasting twelve weeks and ending up with a rejection letter from the Social Security Administration about revealing the parents listed on dad’s application back in 1939 I went back to trying to track down what had happened to Jane (his mother) online.
On a whim I started working on some searches outside of ancestry.com for Jane Honeycutt and stumbled across a website at http://webpages.charter.net/wepollard/d2145.html that had genealogy for the Honeycutt family and listed Jane’s birth family along with some pictures.
The picture below shows Ida Belle and her children.
Back Row left to right : Hiram & George. Front Row: Jane, Ida Belle (Holding Jonah), Elvin, and Mary Ann. Ida Belle looks forbidding, the boys in the back row look a little scary, and Jane looks a little bit like me. The picture looks to be circa 1910.
Honeycutt children: Hiram and George in back, Liza Jane, John (little boy), Mary Ann holding Daisy, and Floria. Picture makes me wonder whose child Daisy since Mary Ann was holding her. If this was taken around 1920 that was the year Jane gave birth to my dad.
James and Ida Belle Honeycutt. Ida Bell still looks scary.
I have to admit it was kind of a weird feeling to see pictures for the first time of people I am related to but never met while they were living. The entire family is dead now. Even Clay’s wife, who I hoped would have some information, was in a psychiatric ward in La Follette because her Alzheimer’s was so progressed. I spoke to her guardian and he said she had deteriorated rapidly after Clay died and no longer remembered anyone.
Since I waited so long to do this search the chances there are people still living who knew anything about dad are slim, so anything I find out will most likely come from records. But maybe that’s what dad would have wanted — no chance I would come in contact with the people he regarded as only capable of inflicting pain.
Oct 27, 2015 @ 22:37:17
James Michael Honeycutt and Ida Belle Risden-Honeycutt were my Great-Grandparents. George Harrison Honeycutt and Louisa Jane Jones-Honeycutt were my Grandparents. Lester Honeycutt and Darlene Partin-Hamilton-Honeycutt are my parents. Do you have pictures? I have some great pictures to share. Thank you in advance, Jamie Honeycutt-Ploskunak
Mar 01, 2017 @ 15:22:16
According to my own research, Daisy Mae Honeycutt was born on 3 April 1921, while your father was born 23 September 1920. My guess would be that this picture was taken sometime in the spring to fall (because of the lightness of their clothes) of 1921. It could not have been that time in 1920 because Eliza Jane would have been noticeably pregnant, and there would not have been a baby in the household prior to then. Assuming that the baby in the picture is Daisy Mae and not your father (babies at that age often wore the same clothes, male or female–gendered clothing for babies was just beginning to be fashionable, but that was for the affluent), I would guess July-September 1921.