Hugh Smith

New birth certificate search?

Social Security Application Request I hadn’t been very optimistic when I paid my $27 and sent off a request to the Social Security Administration for a copy of dad’s application for a social security card that had been completed in 1939. Dad was living and working with John Smith at that point and I realized […]

More on the Honeycutt family

More on the Honeycutt family

I found a book title The Families of Scott County, Tennessee and was surprised to find more information about Eliza Jane’s family complete with a picture. Eliza Jane is on the far left in the photo. James Michael Honeycutt is in the third paragraph from the bottom.

Jane Honeycutt and her family

Jane Honeycutt and her family

After wasting twelve weeks and ending up with a rejection letter from the Social Security Administration about revealing the parents listed on dad’s application back in 1939 I went back to trying to track down what had happened to Jane (his mother) online. On a whim I started working on some searches outside of […]